I want you to take The #NOPUSHPROMISE this summer and commit to trying harder, working harder and not pushing your bike up any hills unless you absolutely have to.
I see too many riders simply getting off at the base of every steep or tech climb.
They never even try to get up it and they are missing out.
Just try it!
Work a bit harder.
It will be uncomfortable and you will be breathing hard and your legs might hurt, but in the long run you will become stronger and be able to enjoy your riding more.
Make sure you take the #nopushpromise next time you go for a mountain bike ride and let me know on social media. Give @strengthfactory_coach a tag on Instagram and let me know how it goes!
Stay Strong
Are you a trail rider looking to improve?
Get yourself an awesome, eco-friendly Strength Factory t-shirt!
Fuel your next ride.