This video will tell you everything you need to know about how The Over 40’s MTB Programme will help you improve your health, fitness and of course, your riding.
As we get older, it can be tempting to train like we are still 20 something, copying the latest pro workout on social media or going hard every time you train, even though you are tired and your knees hurt. The reality is that for the 40+ MTB rider, things need to change to reflect that you are probably busy, have a tonne of commitments and simply can’t tolerate the amount or intensity of training that a young pro racer can take in their stride.
The Over 40’s MTB Programme is different. It will build you up gradually, using exercises designed to give maximum return, and with minimal negative impact on your body. This is exercise that will make you feel good on and off the bike. No crazy beastings, WODs, or training that leaves you wrecked for days. Over the 20 weeks you will progress through 5 blocks of training, each building on the last, creating the foundations for years of fun and pain free riding.
You can train in a gym or at home, with just a few resistance bands required, and all exercises have video instruction so you know you are doing them properly. The programme is hosted on the number 1 online training app, TrainHeroic, making your experience smooth and convenient from the very first session.
The goal? To enjoy your mountain biking more, today, tomorrow, and for years to come.
Get Started With The Over 40’s MTB Programme Today: